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2011-05-25 18:55:37
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The Town Herald Poetry Corner


Welcome to The Town Herald's Poetry Corner page.
This is where all information regarding the upcoming issue's poetry needs can be found, and where you can submit themed poetry to be featured in Elftown's very own e-zine, The Town Herald.

Please follow our guidelines when submitting your work - any work that doesn't follow the guidelines when it comes to the closing date will not be featured.

Theme: -
Deadline: -


How to submit a poem:
Your submission should follow this format:

Title: optional, not all people name their poetry
The poem: Your poem here :)
Your name: [housenamehere]


1. You may only submit your own work! If we find that you're submitting work not done by you, you will be reported to the Guards

2. Poetry should fit the given theme for each issue. Please check above to see what the theme is.

3. Your poetry should be spell-checked before you submit it. If it's riddled with spelling errors then we won't accept it.

What happens next?

When the theme ends, your poem will be featured in the upcoming issue of The Town Herald, and your name will be credited as a Guest.




-The Town Herald
-Art Corner
-Herald Hopefuls
-Herald Guest Submissions

Username (or number or email):


2004-12-10 [blackenedrose*]: well im chinese english but i say bar-stad

2004-12-11 [Doormat]: meh i'm chinese english too and it's bas-turds

2004-12-11 [Doormat]: I just had to throw my poem in 12 hours before the deadline :D

2004-12-12 [Kaimee]: ...i noticed, and i had to re-edit the poetry page to add it it >.< brat:P

2004-12-12 [Doormat]: wow it got in....ego:1 god:0 science:251

2004-12-13 [lastartian]: your cocky......

2004-12-13 [Kaimee]: god:0 ? dude, i dont even believe in god, but GOD:0???!!!! ok, lets add things up here: if youre counting god as an existing being, then you believe god created evreything, god created you, god created that poetry, god created the themeee of that poetry... etc. god:infinity ego:slightly less i hope:P

2004-12-13 [lastartian]: i'm a vampire, and frowned upon by many religions but Kaimee is right you really need a reality check if your ego is bigger than GOD!

2004-12-13 [Kaimee]: youre a vampire? o...k..... thats another one lost to the great world of rp -.-

2004-12-13 [Doormat]: no...i made a list of impossible things against god :D...ill make a wiki on it

2004-12-14 [lastartian]: yes i am a vampire*bows* i am thesus, an elder

2004-12-17 [blackenedrose*]: huh??...

2004-12-17 [Aidan Ryuko]: ohhh an elder vampire:) those are worth tons!! *chases you with a wooden stake*

2004-12-19 [Shamera]: o.o

2004-12-19 [Shamera]: i'm a sasquatch o.o

2004-12-23 [lady nytmare]: I'm a fig

2004-12-24 [blackenedrose*]: i'm a wolf *changes into a wolf*

2004-12-24 [lady nytmare]: *fig is scared*

2005-01-08 [Kaimee]: im not anything quite so odd i hope, but im back from my holiday! miss me anyone? :P

2005-01-08 [Sunrose]: I did! *glomps [Kaimee]* ^_^

2005-01-08 [Kaimee]: what, no one interfering with your many watched wikis in my absense? :P poor deprived sunny:P

2005-01-08 [lady nytmare]: lol

2005-01-08 [Sunrose]: *giggles* :P

2005-01-11 [lastartian]: Aidan Ryuko,....*smiles* i am worth alot yes but do you want to chance death for money? *extends wings and bares fangs*

2005-01-11 [Aidan Ryuko]: you can give me pain, you can try to get me dead, but i shall not give up untill i cut off your head! this is not for money, its for vengeance.

2005-01-11 [lastartian]: vengence? what has my kind done to you?*folds wings*

2005-01-11 [Aidan Ryuko]: .

2005-01-11 [lastartian]: i take blood of only people that will give it willingly, i need not take life i value life it amazes me to watch humans, besides, vampires need not kill your kind kill them selves with wars aqnd homicide, suicide, i never kill!

2005-01-11 [lady nytmare]: This is why it's soo much better being a cookie, or something inanimate. nothing tries to drink your blood. I am the crumb-sucker! Nope... doesnt work.

2005-01-11 [Aidan Ryuko]: lol! vampires would check if they eat you through a straw

2005-01-11 [lady nytmare]: Never! *cookie turns into werewolf* Muahaha! You didn't think I was an ORDINARY cookie? NO! I am a chocolate chip werewolf! ;p

2005-01-12 [Kaimee]: guys, this is not a roleplay wiki. More rp type comments will be deleted, youll scare off the poor innocent poets!

2005-01-12 [Doormat]: what!? you make us sound like butter fairies....o.0

2005-01-12 [Kaimee]: ...? *eyebrow raise* to that one o.o

2005-01-12 [Doormat]:

2005-01-12 [shadow_of_life]: Dunno about scaring, but why do I think that we make less progress than previous times?Looks like the theme is difficult or something ...

2005-01-12 [lastartian]: sorry, about that i jus hate it when my kind are criticized for vengence, *bows low* forgive me!

2005-01-12 [Aidan Ryuko]: it's not our fault family members and loved ones get killed by vampires >.<, and kaimee "you can give me pain, you can try to get me dead, but i shall not give up untill i cut off your head!" IS poetry don't ya think

2005-01-12 [lastartian]: *smiles* look, we do not need to fight over this i know nothing of you and i acted on haste, *bows* i apologize, and i ask can there be peace?

2005-01-13 [Kaimee]: you guys, um... hello, youre still going .. *sigh* and Aidan, the corner is for themed poetry, if you have any, it belongs up there, on the page. The comments section might actually be for answering queries and such.... *cough* :P

2005-01-13 [Aidan Ryuko]: .

2005-01-13 [Shamera]: sorry i haven't been on in a while, i'm dealign witha friend who has cancer. i'll be on more often though.

2005-01-13 [Kaimee]: Thats ok, Sheonas been away too, and pixies been helping us :)

2005-01-13 [Kaimee]: and aidan, seriously, i will start deleting comments, if they have anything whatsoever to do with this subject. quit. it. Stick to PoetryCorner related issues, or at least something relevant. You two may like roleplaying but its mighty boring to read it if you arent interested. Take it somewhere else.

2005-01-13 [Aidan Ryuko]: .

2005-01-13 [Sunrose]: She asked you to stop roleplaying..this is not your wiki so she has the right. She asked nice already and you didn't stop and thus she can delete your comments. It has nothing to do with her being not nice, it has to do with you not listening :)

2005-01-13 [Aidan Ryuko]: bwa nevermind *erases everything* I'll keep my things to friend, and I understand about the roleplaying.

2005-01-14 [Kaimee]: Im kind of glad i didnt see whatever that was Aidan. *scary kaimee face*

2005-01-14 [stevenp]: hey kaimee, im going to post a new poem tell me what you think okay? so anyways actaully two of them..

2005-01-15 [Kaimee]: i particuarly like the heaven and hell poem, but [stevenp], the poems have to be on a certain theme, in this case "The Future, Cyberpunk and Scifi", and we can only accept poety that has something to do with those themes :( sorry, but you'll have to either channge your poems so they fit, or remove them, feel free to enter other poetry though :)

2005-01-15 [blackenedrose*]: ooh", ive just found myself in the town herald issue 9!....anyway!, this theme is quite difficult, who writes about scifi!, no offence to anyone who does!, + wats cyber punk?

2005-01-17 [blackenedrose*]: thanks

2005-01-18 [Kaimee]: no problem, thats what im here for :) for examples of cyberpunk art you can also check out art corner or HeraldContestArena - Cyberpunk & Scifi

2005-01-18 [shadow_of_life]: heyy, it's not so difficult once you try thinking about it - the abandoned lunar scenery that nobody could see, because nobody can survive there ... the space where even air is afraid to go, but where we want to fly - could we?... the human mind, holding to its cold monster-like inventions to the point of suffocation - I think there is quite a lot of poetry here ...

2005-01-19 [Kaimee]: hmmm [golden's opposite] definetely thanks for your note added to that phrophsy, otherwise it probably would have been rejected out of hand for not matching the theme. But while you prophesy is for the future, the theme is about a certain aspect of this supposed future, cyberpunk&scifi. i dont know if well be able to accept it :/ we'll definetely try though, ill ask some of the other Heralders :)

2005-01-19 [pixish]: I personally would say not :-S seeing as we actually need that little blurb to show that it contains a link to the theme, though the poem itself is lovely :-)

2005-01-19 [Aidan Ryuko]: lets see if I can get my second poem in the herald:)

2005-01-20 [Kaimee]: gah, but also, a lil variety is a good thing... *sigh* lol, we'll decide at the deadline:P

2005-01-20 [stevenp]: hey read the one i placed in the valentines comp.. its called valentines... see what you think and give somefeedback on it please?

2005-01-20 [stevenp]: hey read the one i placed in the valentines comp.. its called valentines... see what you think and give somefeedback on it please?

2005-01-21 [Kaimee]: youll have to give us a link first :)

2005-01-21 [pixish]: I think there is a link on the main page

2005-01-22 [Sunrose]: Valentine Poetry 05, page 1 nr. 39 :)

2005-01-23 [lady nytmare]: Ugh. Valentines day. Oh well, and excuse to write soppy poetry yay!

2005-01-23 [Doormat]: hmmm...somehow I can't seem to write dark love poems....the apocalypise has come o.0

2005-01-23 [shadow_of_life]: valentines day is something i'm trying to forget desperately but somehow I am always reminded of.Hopefully, I'm gonna be abroad on valentines day and I'll have work to do.You want something particular from Belgium(if I can get something that can be posted at ET though)?

2005-01-23 [stevenp]: sure a new girl friend with an accent.... please?

2005-01-23 [shadow_of_life]: THAT WAS MEAN!How can I post a girl on ET???Besides, I AM a girl and I have an accent even in my own language.

2005-01-24 [Kaimee]: tehe, im trying to think what you could put up on et without copyright issues, go somewhere touristy and get a photo of some lovely buildings or something and put THAT up:P its almost a postvcard :P

2005-01-24 [shadow_of_life]: One of Van Gogh's houses is nearby.Maybe I coud go and visit it.And there would be certainly something worth seeing in Brussels ... But if I find some other chance, I'll bring you some more interesting souvenirs :}}}

2005-01-24 [Aidan Ryuko]: you are going to brussels??be sure to get yourself an ice cream cone from there:)

2005-01-24 [shadow_of_life]: Sure I will, I know Brussels is famous with its sweets ... And I'll think of a convenient souvenir for the Poetry Corner :}}}

2005-01-25 [Aidan Ryuko]: well you could go to antwerpen *my fav city* and make a picture of the cathedral at the centre and carve a poem in the wall with photoshop or something:) the cathedral is HUUGE and pretty nice looking as well so great for poetry

2005-01-25 [lady nytmare]: bring me a belgian rock. Take a photo and post it up :) rocks rule.

2005-01-25 [shadow_of_life]: I obey :}}}}

2005-01-26 [lady nytmare]: yay! :p

2005-01-26 [Doormat]: That gay (in the happy way)

2005-01-26 [blackenedrose*]: lol, yea it kinda did!

2005-01-26 [lady nytmare]: You SURE gay in the happy way? ;p kidding

2005-01-27 [sismoongoddess]: submit poetry

2005-01-27 [Kaimee]: goodo...? :/

2005-02-08 [Foxxetta]: just a question, on the edit page how are you ment to 'divide it into 2 pages' because it says that you need to - ill be grateful of any advice, thanks xxx ;9

2005-02-08 [lady nytmare]: make a wiki with the same name with a 2 at the end or whatever, and provide a link to it

2005-02-08 [Kaimee]: EXCEPT, that you do not under any circumstances do that here. This is an official Town Herald subwiki, and its content changes monthly. Sometimes there is alot, sometimes barely any. But it all needs to be on this page :) so please do not make any other pages. thankyou :)

2005-02-14 [Kaimee]: [Flowers of Evil] you either need to replace your poem with one more suited to the current theme ("The Future, Scifi and Cyberpunk") or add a note to your poem, explaining how it does relate to the theme, ok?

2005-02-17 [Doormat]: last poem...correct spelling...argh...horrible grammar...not poem...prose *dies*

2005-02-18 [Kaimee]: [Aidan Ryuko] and [lady nytmare] will need to list where their poems can be found, otherwise they will be rejected. you have very little time, it has already reached the deadline :)

2005-02-18 [Aidan Ryuko]: these poems can be found at the page I submitted them.. otherwise I have them in a word file, why? last one was submitted the same way and then there wasn't a problem..

2005-02-18 [Aidan Ryuko]: "Where poem can be found: optional, either your house or long term wiki link, where it can be found on Elftown"

2005-02-18 [Aidan Ryuko]: well to make you happy I put it on my house, but I still want an answer on why you NEED something that's stated optional in the guidelines. (and yes im stubborn and i know u find me annoying)

2005-02-18 [Keii]: Do I still have time to add a poem? If not, just deleted it...

2005-02-19 [pixish]: [domer] - your poem does not follow the theme for this issue.

2005-02-19 [Kaimee]: oh WHOOPS! sorry, i was doing the art corner submissions at the same time and forgotten that i'd changed the rules here! hahahaah, i wrote them and i cant even remember them myself! :P and keisari, we'll accept your poem, but next time please add it after the very last poem (even if THAT one os in the wrong place!) otherwise we might miss it. 

2005-02-19 [Keii]: Oh sorry... I didn't see that one >.<

2005-02-22 [pixish]: - have we had a theme change to darkness and blood and soul losing???

2005-02-22 [Kaimee]: no, people who write those poems obviously cant read, because theyre against the rules, which say the poetry featured here must be themed. Lovely really. glad to know so many people are inept, and most probably uneducated, seeings as they cant read. :)

2005-02-22 [pixish]: oh well :-S All you can do is reject them ;-)

2005-02-22 [Kaimee]: can, and have. We warned them earlier :)

2005-02-22 [Aidan Ryuko]: hmm how about if you try putting "read poetry guidelines AND poetry them for posting anything" right above the comments box?:), it's close to the comments and the edit button

2005-02-22 [Kaimee]: well we could, except that that sentence doesnt actually make much sense. "read poetry guiodelines and poetry" im ok with, but what is "them for posting anything" supposed to mean???

2005-02-22 [pixish]: i think it might be theme?

2005-02-23 [Kaimee]: and a 'before'?

2005-02-23 [pixish]: yes possibly :-)

2005-02-23 [Aidan Ryuko]: yup.. excuse my writing when its 4 am:P kinda flaky at that time, it's still easy to understand a line close to edit buttons and comment box:)

2005-02-23 [Kaimee]: if people dont read the things at the very top of the page, let alone the rules, they dont deserve to get their work featured in the herald. its that simple. read the rules folks.

2005-02-23 [Aidan Ryuko]: the clearer the location the more people read it:) especially some of the younger people don't even want to bother reading a lot of sentences till they reach some link to the guidelines or something

2005-02-23 [Kaimee]: Yes, but we dont particularly care about catching their attention. This is the place people submit their work to us so that it has a chance of being featured in our ezine. They are not really doing us a favour, we are doing them one, and if they cant read our rules, or follow them, they dont deserve the favour. Its like a screening process for morons :)

2005-02-23 [pixish]: lovely analogy :-P

2005-02-24 [Aidan Ryuko]: hehe without poetry there isnt any ezine litterature on that plain so we getting a favor for being in an internet magazine.. *looks away without answerring*

2005-02-24 [Kaimee]: pardon? :/

2005-02-24 [Aidan Ryuko]: you'll reach a lot with that respect of yours kaimee

2005-02-26 [pixish]: I think you just repeated what kaimee had already said :-P

2005-02-26 [Kaimee]: i seem to have trouble communicating with [Aidan Ryuko] pixie :P

2005-02-27 [pixish]: tis ok :-) woo! A nice clean page :-D

2005-02-28 [lady nytmare]: 0_o its so... green....

2005-02-28 [Kaimee]: wasnt it always? :/

2005-03-01 [Aidan Ryuko]: yah well i only understand ice cream and girls of my age.. anyway, did you think of next heralds subject yet?:)

2005-03-01 [lady nytmare]: Yes, but now it's uncluttered... and visible. Like a field. Well, not really. Never mind. :p

2005-03-02 [Kaimee]: Aidan, as someone who once wanted to work here you should know the rules better than that! The theme is secret until officially announced, but we heralders already know it of course :P

2005-03-04 [lastartian]: any one home?

2005-03-04 [Shamera]: i am! ^^

2005-03-04 [shadow_of_life]: me too, never enter ET from other places, actually :}}}

2005-03-05 [Kaimee]: yup :)

2005-03-05 [Shamera]: lol hehe well i occasionally do from a school puter. but other than that i don't! ^^

2005-03-05 [shadow_of_life]: I don't have the chance for this - no computers in my scool :}}}

2005-03-07 [lastartian]: boy this place has died down alot! so hows it going?

2005-03-07 [shadow_of_life]: I just feel nasty for not having a new theme already.And I still can't scan my photos from Belgium as I promised.

2005-03-07 [lady nytmare]: didnt I ask u for a pic of a belgian rock?

2005-03-07 [shadow_of_life]: I made one specially for you ... I even made one for the previous theme - 'Passing of time, Changing of seasons' - just have to get a proper scanner and I'll put them in a special wiki for the Poetry Corner

2005-03-08 [Kaimee]: sorry about the lack of theme guys, but youd think you'd get used to it... it does happen every single issue :P

2005-03-12 [Femme Fatale K]: Hello people whome I fear. Can I join?

2005-03-12 [shadow_of_life]: now we're being feared :}}} Well, nobody has been thrown out since I've been here as long as you are OK with the rules.You can try your poetry with the next theme issued which you should follow, think you can do your best :}}

2005-03-13 [Kaimee]: You dont have to join, because we arent a club! This is the wiki to submit poetry that matches the theme for the upcoming issue of elftowns official internet magazine, The Town Herald. Any poetry submitted here that follows the rules and theme is featured in the next issue.

2005-03-13 [lady nytmare]: My hands fell off, so no more poetry from me. *whistles* I'm typing with my nose. Hurry up with new deadline :p

2005-03-13 [Kaimee]: were still deciding what the Heralders deadline is, so we cant decide what this deadline is yet! :P and thats like our excuse for not having cleaned our rooms or something "non ho gambe" "i dont have legs" :P

2005-03-15 [maluna]: were do i add the pome

2005-03-15 [Kaimee]: *poem. Im sorry, but you cannot add a poem at the moment as the corner is Closed. When we open again we'll have a new theme and all poetry submitted must follow that theme and the rules, or else it will be rejected.

2005-03-22 [lady nytmare]: lol, "non ho gambe" huh? Hmmm, I'll definitely try it :p we usually use "Nee, ek is dood nou" which means, "No, I'm currently dead" :p

2005-03-22 [Kaimee]: hahahahahaha that would be 'No, attualmente sono morto' i think :P

2005-03-23 [shadow_of_life]: YAHOO, A COOL NEW THEME!!!

2005-03-24 [Kaimee]: :)

2005-03-24 [lady nytmare]: *sigh* so much to do, so little time. Hows everything with you K?

2005-03-25 [Kaimee]: me? Im terribly good! I had a lucky day yesterday: got 98% on my italian, got made Council, andddd almost cut the top of my finger off with a really sharp knife, but MIRACULOUSLY MANAGED NOT TO and the knife just skimmed riiiiight over and it didnt bleed or anything! is that lucky or what?! :D

2005-03-25 [Doormat]: A sharp knife is safer than a dull one :P

2005-03-28 [lady nytmare]: lucky you! I fell down the stairs... that pretty much the hi-light of my week! :p

2005-03-28 [Doormat]: My highlight was smuggling fungus from the forest to give to my aunt to make herbal tea with...woot.

2005-03-29 [Kaimee]: O.O erm.... if the fungus isnt allowed to leave the forest, perhaps theres a reason... ie, its protected and needs a break from being made into herbal teas.... >.>

2005-03-29 [pixish]: I am not sure that the 'Death Blooms' poem really follows the theme...

2005-03-29 [Kaimee]: and i am sure it doesnt :P please add a note explaining how it relates to the theme, or replace it please :)

2005-03-30 [Doormat]: Does it have to be myth and fantasy?

2005-03-30 [nokaredes]: Considering the theme is 'The Sea - Myth and Fantasy' I think it might ;)

2005-03-30 [Doormat]: :P always for the complicated.

2005-03-30 [Kaimee]: If we stretch it you could just submit something ocean-related, but we're a fantasy site, and this is myth and fantasy themed :)

2005-03-30 [Elmiira]: hehe.. this is embarassin, but.. do you like it.. eh.. ^^

2005-03-30 [BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: where do u sign up?

2005-03-31 [Elmiira]: hmm.. eh, can I ask HOW does the last poem fit to the theme "the sea -myth and fantasy"?? and it's two times.. AND there is no link to the writers house either.. I guess one more person who don't read the rules.. eh, well, I don't really know anything, so I'd better be quiet..

2005-04-01 [pixish]: it is ok :-) If they dont bother reading the rules, then their poems dont get featured in the town herald :-)

2005-04-01 [Doormat]: [e5hnzwu5]...I think that belongs in abstract poetry

2005-04-01 [e5hnzwu5]: ooh. too scary place for me. some one used term 'sperm of an angel'. yikes! can't go there! xD ahehhe

2005-04-02 [Kaimee]: ok first, elmiira, yours is perfect! Secondly: [AndrewJacobG] and "jason palevsky" cannot expect to see their poetry in the herald, as it does not follow the theme, and since one of them mucked up the page, Im just going to delete them from here, instead of waiting to the end of the theme to do so. Because otherwise Id have to go through 80 bazillion past page versions to fix it, and to be honest... i cant be bothered to do that for a couple of people who cant be bothered following simple rules. and Jangle... funny :P

2005-04-02 [Kaimee]: ditto for [Fujiwara Taiki], deletion it is :)

2005-04-02 [BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: WHERE DO U SIGN UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!LISTEN TO ME!!!!!!!!

2005-04-02 [pixish]: You do not sign up. This wiki is for poets who wish to submit a piece of poetry to be featured in the town herald - which is Elftown's E-zine. The poem must follow the current theme which is Under the Sea, Myth and Fantasy...

2005-04-02 [Kaimee]: [BaBiiPhAtGrL09] those comments have been deleted and you are no longer welcome either here, or on any other Town Herald page. Thankyou very much for stepping over the border from annoying to abusive so that i had the opportunity to do that, it was very helpful :)

2005-04-04 [BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: okaaay,that was pretty stupid.I guess u just git offended easily,and wats up with that damn smily face?it doesnt take away wat ur actually doing.and plus,none would answer me!wat else was i suppose to do?obviously u dont want much members if ur deleting them left and right,its like u think this wiki is soooo good,omg!im going to cry just b/c im deleted!!im gittin deleted from "poetry corner"wen there alot of other damn good wikis out there that im a part of!

2005-04-04 [Kaimee]: i smile because i enjoy dealing out just desserts to people who behave like brats :) get over it or grow up, if you can behave like a mature human being the Herald Ban will be removed and you will be able to participate again. And this isnt just a wiki, since you obviously havent read and understood the description i will explain. this wiki is the place to submit poetry to get featured in Elftowns official ezine, The Town Herald. You can use that link to check out the info wiki, links to the actual site are located on that page. And yes, some people do find it an honour to get their work into a magazine. You obviously arent one of them, but that is not our problem. :)

2005-04-04 [Kaimee]: and [bullet with your name] you can add your poem here, you dont need to wait for our approval :) just paste it onto the wiki and if it follows the rules and theme we shall see about featuring it... :D

2005-04-04 [Keii]: Aw, my last poem wasn't featured... nevermind, maybe it'll mean that I get the next one in before the day of the deadline. ^-^ Great poems people.

2005-04-04 [Kaimee]: Remember to make sure your poetry follows he theme Keis, and if it isnt obvious how it follows the theme you can add a little explanation underneath :)

2005-04-04 [Keii]: I was told my last one did...

2005-04-05 [Kaimee]: Your comments are being deleted [BaBiiPhAtGrL09], if you dont like our ezine i do not understand why you are wasting so much time whinging about it. :)

2005-04-05 [Kaimee]: Oh shite, Keis yours wasnt rejected, just misplaced! This is my fault, sorry, the page versions confused me. Your poem was right on topic and will be featured late in this issue with apologies!!

2005-04-05 [Keii]: Oh you don't need to bother, it was only a last minute poem anyway. I don't want to cause any fuss.

2005-04-05 [Kaimee]: nah, that sort of thing is really bad and yours deserved to be in as much as the others, rest assured, better late than never! :P

2005-04-05 [Keii]: XD Not too sure about that, but if you insist... thank you ^-^

2005-04-05 [Kaimee]: youre welcome :)

2005-04-07 [BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: hey ppl

2005-04-08 [Kaimee]: please keep chatter related to the poetry corner, this is an official wiki you know :P

2005-04-12 [Doormat]: /suicide

2005-04-13 [Kaimee]: comments deleted. some people just dont learn :)

2005-04-13 [Kaimee]: [Humpty Dumpty Was Pushed], not only have you not included a name with your poem, but it does not follow the theme. There fore, unless you can somehow justify how it follows the theme, we will not be including it in this issues featured poetry.

2005-04-13 [BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: wat r u suppose to be smilin bout kaimee,or watever ur name is

2005-04-13 [Jay Ladlehaus]: *sigh* lil bit, you're going to start attracting the kind of attention you don't want in ET.

2005-04-13 [BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: not me,she is..but neway watsup ppl

2005-04-14 [pixish]: what do you mean whatever her name is? It is written write there for you to see, so that comment was invalid. This wiki is not for idle chatter. Go to the Junk forum or create your own wiki to do that. This wiki is for POETRY, that will be seen in the Town Herald!

2005-04-14 [Elmiira]: yeah, well, I think some people don't understand that there are wikis for chatting and talking what ever they want AND official wikis where actually are rules to obey.

2005-04-14 [Kaimee]: its ok everyone, I personally find this really really funny. I thought she wouldnt be coming back here the other day and got a little disappointed, i mean, who would we laugh at if we didnt have someone being an absolute jerk, to strangers, for no reason, and not even going about it in an intelligent way?! Nah, this is way better. Oh, and [BaBiiPhAtGrL09] I was smiling because i find this really really funny, incase you hadnt noticed :)

2005-04-14 [Cascading water lillies]: You must like the company then,to stay with such weirdos

2005-04-14 [Keii]: Wow, so friendly...

2005-04-14 [Cascading water lillies]: I stand corrected *bows* ;)

2005-04-14 [ceridwen]: 'Sociopathic misanthrope'....How quaint. Lol, this is great. You just made me smile. I've been depressed all day, comtemplating seruois issues, and now I find you calling someone a 'sociopathic misanthrope' and I smile. Isn't life funny?

2005-04-14 [Jay Ladlehaus]: glad I could lighten your day :)

2005-04-14 [Cascading water lillies]: Go Soul! Go Soul! ;)

2005-04-14 [Jay Ladlehaus]: I do what I can, particularly when someone, who argues about following the rules and who is technically harassing a wiki boss (regardless if the boss finds it amusing), decides to level her verbal blunderbuss at my relations.

2005-04-14 [Cascading water lillies]: Yeah, well, I wasn't having none of it ;)

2005-04-14 [ceridwen]: Lol....Aww...Sometimes I just wonder...

2005-04-14 [Matyr]: I have a question about whether a topic fits or not. I have a poem that uses the sea and sailing through a storm as a giant metaphor for something else. Is this acceptable? Please message me with the answer if it is not too much trouble. Thanks.

2005-04-14 [Jay Ladlehaus]: I don't see why it wouldn't be, but we should defer to the superior judgement of the Heralders in this matter.

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